We are always striving to improve the services and environment in the Medical Library.
In 2009 we underwent a significant refurbishment in the library reception area, upper floor and staff offices.
From August till the end of 2011, with financial support from the Clinical School, we shall be extending this modernisation to some other parts of the library.
What improvements do we hope this will achieve?
Change 1
* shelving of all but the current issue of all journals upstairs (level 4)
* simplification of our journal holdings, making them easier to find
Achieved: 5th August 2011
Change 2
* relocating current issue of journals to new shelving units near the book collection
* better use of space so that more is available for study spaces
In progress: 16th August 2011
Journals relocated, but yet to be reshelved: temporarily arranged in boxes near the books.
Hope to be complete: late September 2011 (or when new shelves arrive!)
Change 3
* installation of water fountain
* better quality water and refreshment for library users
Achieved: 12th August 2011
Change 4
* installation new carpeting in from reception area through towards the books
* better aesthetics and improved noise muffling
To be completed by mid-September 2011
Change 5
* installation of group study pods
* enables small group work and promotes quiet discussion in the library
To be completed by end of 2011
We are aware that any changes of this nature will cause disruption in the library while they’re being implemented. We’ll keep you posted via notices in the library and the website.
We’re sorry about this, but hope you’ll bear with us, and find that the changes we’re making are worth-while.