Over the month of December, we are celebrating the achievements of the Medical Library, and the various ways the library has helped support the learning, research, and professional lives of the people who use it. This project is called A Year in the Life of the Medical Library, and will feature posts here on the newsfeed, as well as on Twitter and Instagram, under the #MedLib19 hashtag.
Today, we are highlighting the people whose work underpins all the support the library provides: the fabulous Medical Library team. We have nine day staff, and five additional evening staff, and you can read a bit about what we all do on the Medical Library website. Some of the ways we help you include:
- Cataloguing, processing, issuing and returning the many books you borrowing, as well as helping you locate them on the library shelves
- Helping you access the many journals and other electronic resources you need to do your coursework or research
- Answering all your questions, no matter how complicated or strange
- Travelling all over Addenbrooke’s, Cambridge and beyond to teach you the skills you need to produce great literature reviews, assignments, theses, clinical guidelines, conference posters, journal articles, and more
- Doing invited training sessions at your conferences and workshops
- Coauthoring systematic reviews with you
- Advocating for your needs within the university and the NHS
- And much more — you’ll find out over the course of December