From Monday 1st September, we’ll be doing a bit of work preparing for a temporary entrance to the library. While the staff offices and library issue desk area are being worked on, the entrance to the library will be via a side door – this will all be sign posted in due course.
It does mean that we have to get make some alterations which will affect you, the users of the library.
- The study carrells located between the Issue Desk and the books will be taken out of use, to accommodate a temporary Issue Desk and the temporary entrance to the library
- The photocopiers will be relocated into the Wolfson Room
- Most of the area which used to be comfortable seating (next to the current journals) will be given over to storage during the refurbishment (though we will try to maintain some of this seating for your use.)
- All library staff will re-locate into the room which is being built on Level 4.
- By Monday 15th September, the entrance to the library will have re-located (more details in due course.)
Inevitably there will be some disruption, particularly in relation to where you might prefer to sit, but we will try to keep this to a minimum.