On 1st April 2015 there will be some “behind the scenes” changes to the NHS ATHENS database search (HDAS) of Medline and PsycINFO.
Because of a change of content supplier all saved searches and alerts in Medline & PsycINFO will shut down on Sunday 30th March 2015.
You should export any saved searches you want to keep by this time.
You can reinstate your alerts by manually re-entering the search strategy, saving it, and resetting the alert. Alerts will only be possible in Medline via HDAS later in the summer 2015.
To download your saved searches do the following:
- Login to Medline using NHS ATHENS from www.evidence.nhs.uk – click “journals and databases”, and select “advanced search”.
- click “saved searches” and select the Medline saved search you wish to retain
- “run” that search
- once the search has completed in Medline, you can either
- copy/paste the strategy into a .doc file and keep it safe,
OR - view the results and select one article; scroll to the bottom of the screen and select ‘MS Word’ and the ‘Short’ Display Format and click on ‘Save Results’
This will save a .doc file with the strategy included.
- copy/paste the strategy into a .doc file and keep it safe,
Please note – this will not affect any saved searches/alerts in the other HDAS databases (CINAHL, Embase, AMED, BNI, HMIC, Health Business Elite).
Please contact library@medschl.cam.ac.uk or phone (01223) 336750 if you would like any help or support in downloading your saved searches.