Have you ever tried to find a book at the medical library but it wasn’t there? Did you suspect that a friend from your course had it? Did you ask if you could borrow the book from them?
Did they ever get clobbered with a fine because you forgot to return it to the library on time?
The project: A Facebook group that will let you share books between yourselves.
How to get involved: Join the WhoHas Clinical School Facebook group.
Upon joining you can ask who has a particular book and then, if you choose, have the book transferred over to your library record. You will need to post to the WhoHas Facebook page, your name and number on the back of your blue university card, of the person borrowing the book and the person returning the book and the barcode of the book, usually found either on the inside cover of the bottom left hand side or the top right hand corner of the opposite page.
The pilot runs from Tuesday 28th April – Friday 5th June.
If you need further information contact Jo – jm908@medschl.cam.ac.uk