post from Cambridge Big Data:
Big Data in Medicine: Tools, Transformation and Translation.
Date and Time: 4 July 2017
Location: Homerton College, Cambridge.
Scientists in a wide range of disciplines are continuously striving to develop tools and technologies to capture, manage, and process medical, medically-related and health-related Big Data; methods for transforming these data into useable and useful units of information; and processes for translating Big Data science into usable deliverables to change healthcare.
On 4 July 2017 at Homerton College please join us for a day of talks, posters and a debate demonstrating how Big Data in Medicine is developing in Cambridge and beyond. The conference will bring together researchers in life science and medicine with those in other disciplines including, but not limited to, mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientists and engineers, providing a showcase for cutting edge research and an opportunity for networking across the Data Science community and beyond.
We are now inviting submissions for poster and oral contributions across three key themes: tools and technologies to capture, manage, and process medical, medically-related and health-related Big Data; methods for transforming these data into useable and useful units of information; and the processes for translating Big Data science into useable deliverables to change healthcare in clinical settings.
Abstracts accepted from the whole research community, including Industry and Research Groups.
Please visit to submit your abstract
This multidisciplinary event is jointly organised by the Cambridge Big Data Strategic Research Initiative, Cambridge Infectious Diseases Interdisciplinary Research Centre, the EPSRC Centre for Mathematical Imaging in Healthcare (CMIH), Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information, Cambridge Clinical Informatics and supported by the Alan Turing Institute.