Healthy Futures: Medical Regulation and Human Agency
21st & 22nd January, 2010
Convenors: Professor David Spiegelhalter and Dr Tim Lewens
Regulatory agencies routinely make cost-benefit analyses of new medical products and treatments. Yet there is little agreement on how such analyses ought to be performed, and utilitarian paradigms are seldom applied in other areas of medical decision-making. Envisaging futures is also an integral part of planning health care (e.g. the ‘obesity epidemic’ or pandemic influenza). Predictions based on bio-statistical data-analysis are underpinned by numerous assumptions. How can we quantify medical uncertainties, and how should they impact on policy?
Programme and Registration
Opening lecture: Sir Michael Rawlins (Chairman, NICE)
Balancing the evidence – the role of judgement in health policy decisions.
The event will begin with the opening lecture on the evening of Thursday 21st January followed by a day long seminar on Friday 22nd January. Online booking avaible
This is the second in the series of Sawyer Seminars sponsored by the Andrew W Mellon Foundation, Modelling Futures: Understanding Risk and Uncertainty 2009-2010.