NHS Evidence (www.evidence.nhs.uk) has had a revamp.
Also new are the NICE Pathways
“NICE pathways represents a network of NICE information.
For example, the diet pathway links up with the physical activity pathway; the COPD pathway links up with the smoking pathway. Over time, all of NICE’s guidance, quality standards and related tools will be added to this network of information. For the first time you do not need to understand how NICE classifies different types of guidance to view everything NICE has said on a particular topic.”
(if you ever used Map of Medicine, you’ll like this!)
As ever, help and support in getting the best from NHS Evidence and any other sources of health information to get the answer to your questions is available from the Medical Library – just give us a call (01223 336750) or drop an email (library@medschl.cam.ac.uk), and tell us how we can help.