If you currently log in to Pubmed with a personal (‘My NCBI’) account — i.e. a username and password — you will need to take action by June 2022 if you want to retain access to saved searches, alerts and other saved content in Pubmed. Pubmed have made available the following information and instructions:
What’s happening?
NCBI is transitioning from using local account passwords (the password you created at NCBI) for logging into NCBI to using only 3rd-party logins (your username and password from Google, Login.gov, ORCiD, your university or research institution account, etc).
What about my account data?
This change will NOT affect the data in your account, such as your MyBibliography, SciENcv, or submission data. You will also keep your NCBI Username, you just won’t be able to log in with it anymore.
Why is this happening?
NIH, NLM, and NCBI take your privacy and security very seriously. Transitioning to 3rd parties who have industry-standard security practices ensures that you have the highest level of security and enables us to focus our resources on improving your experience once you log in.
Which 3rd party logins can I use?
We have over 4000 3rd-party options for you to choose from, including Login.gov, ORCiD, Google, Microsoft, and InCommon and EduGain affiliated organizations. See:
Choosing the Best 3rd-Party Option for You
What is happening when?
Summer 2021 – As of June 22, users are no longer be able to create an account with an NCBI-managed password. Shortly afterward, we will be launching a software tool (“wizard”) to walk you through the process of disabling your NCBI password and linking a 3rd-party login. We are rolling out the wizard gradually this summer, so you may not see it right away.
June 2022 – Any accounts without valid 3rd-party logins linked to them will no longer be accessible through NCBI login pages. The data in the accounts will be preserved and procedures will be available for data recovery.
What do I need to do?
We suggest linking at least one 3rd-party login to your account now and starting to use it to log into NCBI. By acting now, you will ensure no difficulties or delays in accessing your accounts come June 2022 when special procedures will be required to access accounts without linked 3rd-party logins. For directions, see:
How do I link 3rd-party logins to my NCBI account?
Pubmed is here to help!
Read our NCBI Account Login FAQs for more information. If you have any questions or encounter issues, you can always write us at the Help Desk or email us at info@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.
Important information
Please note that it does not currently appear possible to link an Athens account with a personal Pubmed login. Similarly, the University Information Service has informed the library that Raven logins — although apparently possible to link in this way — will not work as a third-party authenticator. University of Cambridge staff and students can use their Raven login and @cam.ac.uk email address as a Google account, however. University of Cambridge staff and students having difficulties with this option should contact servicedesk@uis.cam.ac.uk.
If you have either an Outlook or Google account, these are likely to be the easiest options.