We alerted you to a system change happening in the new year. Unfortunately there is a delay with implementing the new library system.
So what are the implications for you, as a member of the Medical Library?
During this period;
– You will still be able to borrow, renew and return books. Unfortunately we are not able to tell you how many items you have on loan or reserve books.
– You will not be able to check your record on iDiscover
– No email reminders of when your books are due for return.
We’re likely to be sympathetic during this change-over time, but if in doubt, get in touch (library@medschl.cam.ac.uk or 01223 336750)
When the new system is operational, it will mean;
– Better functionality when you login to iDiscover http://idiscover.lib.cam.ac.uk (the library catalogue).
You’ll be able to see if we’ve sent you any messages (for example lost property)
You’ll be able to renew any loans from any of the Cambridge libraries of which you are a member.
You’ll be able to save lists of favourite books. Login using your RAVEN or your surname and library card details.
– Renewing books by email. This is a big change.
You’ll still get emails reminding you of books due for return, or of books which are overdue, BUT this will include any/all books which are due for return to any library in Cambridge.
Do Not Reply to this email – contact us direct (library@medschl.cam.ac..uk or 01223 336750) or renew your loans online via http://idiscover.lib.cam.ac.uk.
– Reserved books vs Recalled books
We are changing to a system of recalling books required by other readers.
This will cut your loan short: you’ll have 7 days to return the book to the library (or larger fines will be imposed).
– Online payment of fines
We don’t want your money, but if you’ve returned or renewed a book late, possibly inconveniencing other library users, we’ll impose a fine. You’ll be able to pay this via iDiscover, but with the email reminders of when books are due for return we should never get any of your money, should we?
– 4 week loan, renewable 4 times? Not any more!
Now you get a 28 day (4 week) loan that you can renew as many times as you want, up to a maximum of 112 days (16 weeks) – it’s not just semantics….
Best wishes,
the Medical Library team