Bookable Medical Library spaces
There are acoustic pods available in the library for attending online meetings – there are 4 single person, and 1 four person pod.
In addition we have a bookable training room (with lectern and projector) and an eight-seater meeting room.
These spaces can be booked by speaking to a member of library staff or the custodial team at the building reception. Email or and provide the booking title, date, start and end time, number of people attending and contact details.
If a bookable space is empty, you can use it, however, a person with a booking will always have the priority.
Computing facilities
There are 2 computer networks available in the Medical Library: University of Cambridge, and Addenbrooke’s.
University of Cambridge
Eduroam wifi for University of Cambridge staff and students. If you are a student at another university, you can set up Eduroam there, and then use it in the library — but you will need to follow your own university’s instructions for initially setting things up.
Uni of Cam – Guest is available to visitors and guests of the University. Connect using your email address or social media account. NHS staff should use this option.
Addenbrooke’s NHS Network
There are 8 PCs linked to the Addenbrookes network.
Print, copy, scan – currently out of service
We are pleased to offer networked printing, scanning and photocopying — the credit you buy will be valid for any of these services. Add credit via the Managed Print service (University users log in with your University of Cambridge login, NHS users login with your library card number and password).
Full details of the printing services are available, including information on how to print from your own device rather than from a library computer.
Study Equipment
The Medical Library is here to support your studies in as many ways as possible. As well as access to our collection of print and online resources, we offer a range of tools to help you concentrate and get the most out of your time studying in the library. Study equipment available includes:
- Two adjustable standing desks in the Shhh room
- ear plugs
- bookstands
- shared workspace with screens to connect your laptop to